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Wish list

Запрашиваем и выполняем хотелки к SAS.Планете вне очереди

Модераторы: vdemidov, Tolik

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Wish list

Сообщение bartho » 12 янв 2016, 06:16

I have three requests :

- SASPlanet is able to connect an android phone easily.
- SASPlanet is able to show MBTiles maps like a viewer.
- How to go quickly in a place, with instructions in the zmp : viewtopic.php?f=52&t=2749

For each or for the total, could you say what is the price (in euros) ?
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Re: Wish list

Сообщение zed » 13 янв 2016, 11:13

bartho писал(а):- SASPlanet is able to connect an android phone easily.

What do you mean exactly? Now you can connect to Android GPS by chain of programs: Turbo GPS -> GPS Gate -> SASPlanet, but you want connect it by Turbo GPS -> SASPlanet or what?
bartho писал(а):- SASPlanet is able to show MBTiles maps like a viewer.

How it should work? Like GoogleEarth/GeoCacher caches? Read-only + zmp for each .mbtiles file?
bartho писал(а):- How to go quickly in a place, with instructions in the zmp : viewtopic.php?f=52&t=2749

I plan to do this ticket soon: (add ability to save position for Favorites map sets). Is it what you want?
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Re: Wish list

Сообщение bartho » 13 янв 2016, 15:39

- For the connection between SASPlanet and an android phone
In the wiki, I have found : Android вместо GPS модуля
But, the problem is here : Ноутбук должен подключаться по Wi-Fi к телефону.
My PC is without WiFi. I connect my android phone with an USB cable. As it is a Samsung, I have installed a specific software before.
So, my wish is to connect my android phone and SASPlanet with an USB cable, preferably directly or evently with another software between (but I don’t know what).

- For the use of SASPlanet as a viewer for the maps (in my case, MBTiles)
I just want to see the maps to verify them (not to modify) before sending in the phone.
I think that a zmp file for each map could be a simple solution. This is my wish in a first time. The only problem in that case is to write a file for each map.
Better is to have a function with an open map (more universal).
Let's be crazy, the better of better is to have an universal open map for all kinds of maps !

- 2 possibilities to go quickly in a place
If you have to move in SASPlanet from a country to another distant country and then to return, it's not very convenient.
Same thing to find a little land like Andorra or the city of Vatican. In that case, you have different zmp files.
For me, the solution is to write in the zmp file the coordinates and the zoom of opening. Maybe you have a conflict with the memory of the position by the SASPlanet.ini at the reopening. This is the subject of
В описание карты добавить ссылку для перехода в заданные координаты и зум

If you want to go in a specific place in a country but not necessary at the opening of the zmp file, better is the use of favorites. In that case, you have a single zmp file. The solution is to add the coordinates at the favorites. This is the subject of Расширить функционал избранных карт, добавив избранные места

I think that the 2 possibilities are useful, finally this is my wish.
Сообщения: 54
Зарегистрирован: 22 сен 2015, 20:28
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Re: Wish list

Сообщение Tolik » 14 янв 2016, 10:39

It is OK to store default coordinates and zoom in zmp. But they must NOT be used every time a map is opened!
That would be a nightmare: you look at some place, switch map and immediately go away from that place.

So it is necessary to add some button (hotkey or something) that moves the map to the default position.
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Re: Wish list

Сообщение zed » 14 янв 2016, 18:00

bartho писал(а):So, my wish is to connect my android phone and SASPlanet with an USB cable, preferably directly or evently with another software between (but I don’t know what).

I think that it's impossible even in theory.
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Зарегистрирован: 16 авг 2008, 20:21
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Re: Wish list

Сообщение Parasite » 08 фев 2016, 17:43

Any updates over the wishlist? Or this topic will be closed due to inactivity.
The only difference between me and a mad man is that I am not mad. /Salvador Dali/
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Re: Wish list

Сообщение Parasite » 19 фев 2016, 18:20

//Closed due to inactivity.
The only difference between me and a mad man is that I am not mad. /Salvador Dali/
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