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Feature request?

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Модератор: Tolik

Feature request?

Сообщение teneicm » 11 дек 2020, 10:32

Is this the proper area to request a new feature in future SAS releases?

Quite a few sailors use SAS.Planet as an aid to navigation for passage planning. One of the limitations is that the only measurement tool provided gives distances in kilometers. It would be very beneficial to have a setting option to display distances in nautical miles or statute miles.

Cheers- Matt
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Зарегистрирован: 11 дек 2020, 10:19
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Re: Feature request?

Сообщение Tolik » 17 дек 2020, 15:56

Proper area to request a feature is:

Actually such feature request exists but priority is very very low:
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