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Where is the Nightly Build Page? For Maps.

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Модератор: Tolik

Where is the Nightly Build Page? For Maps.

Сообщение abrogard » 01 янв 2021, 14:06

I can't remember the URL for that 'nightly build' thing so we get the correct version number for google maps or whatever it is we do.

googling google maps latest version and suchlike doesn't help me.

Mine is currently usin v 874 and perhaps that's out of date because I'm getting a lot of http error 404 in southern iraq at about z20.

But even if I wasn't I wonder it is so hard to find the reference for this. Is it somewhere conspicuous I've failed to look?
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Re: Where is the Nightly Build Page? For Maps.

Сообщение Tolik » 02 янв 2021, 11:10

Here is actual version of Google sat: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=989&p=49722#p49722
You can also set "map version" blank to get the latest.
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Re: Where is the Nightly Build Page? For Maps.

Сообщение abrogard » 02 янв 2021, 11:26

Thank you for this.

True: You can also set "map version" blank to get the latest. ?

Well that's the obvious thing to do. I'll try that. Is that a new thing since I last installed sasplanet?

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