Power User consists in enhanced usability settings, layers in english, removal of dead services, upgrade of other .zmp
1- Start a new project, delete the contents of the /Maps folder
2- Extract then replace the maps folders
Other .ini files can be ignored, if there is a GUID trouble you need to fix it with a valid one, if you have favorites you can replace the new Maps/Favorites.ini with your own.
3- Replace both your MainFormState.ini and SASPlanet.ini at the root folder
4- start SASplanet and you are done.
Not english? No inglés? Pas anglais?
Default services are english but URLs are verbose, for other languages you need to open the params.txt files on a text editor and replace "en" for the language of your chosing "es" "fr" etc, you need to try up as I haven't tested support for every language.
Settings > Layer Settings dialog will tell you where the params.txt is located, ie for Google Traffic:
http://mt1.google.com/vt?hl=en&lyrs=h@1 ... &style=15&
http://mt.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@15900000 ... =en&opts=r
Some language requestes are asked at the GetUrlScript.txt
example Nokia Hybrid (here.com), Nokia Terrain, Nokia Map, etc
seek for this
original (&lg=rus&ppi=72&pview=RUS) you can delete the last Get from the ampersand
You may also remove the request altogether from the ampersand (&) if you want.
There are other ZMPs that work and I have eliminated because they were redundant (like Waze map), like kosmosnimki that will serve a green tile reading нет доступа because you need a key.
Older versions stop being served over time, you need to upgrade that. Also keys and tokens need refreshing.
You can then drop your downloaded databases into the cache_sqlite folder of new project.
And that is it by now, new zumas can be added following this thread.
All this is public domain. Downloading maps is legal if those are being served on the internet.