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Would it be possible to add length units and GPS coordinate?

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Would it be possible to add length units and GPS coordinate?

Сообщение jhonbrown » 19 окт 2017, 22:55

I use a lot of SASPLANET for boating and hiking which is a good mapping software but on some use, I miss small things. Would it be possible to add length units and GPS coordinate systems?

Units of length:
Mile (a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1.609 kilometers or 1.760 yards)
Nautical mile (1852 meters)
Yard (1 yard = 0.9144 meter)

GPS coordinates :

Thank you
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Re: Would it be possible to add length units and GPS coordinate?

Сообщение vdemidov » 20 окт 2017, 09:17

You ara welcome to use Kilometers and Metres (can be changed in settings)
But there is no way to use feet, miles, yards, etc. Please use ... m_of_Units
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Re: Would it be possible to add length units and GPS coordinate?

Сообщение jhonbrown » 21 окт 2017, 17:34

OK, thanks.
If one day you get to add units directly in the program it could be cool! ;)

really nice sasplanet! Have you made a version for android?
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