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Custom (oziexplorer) maps display

программа для загрузки и просмотра спутниковых снимков Земли, Луны, Марса предоставленных сервисами Google Maps и Космоснимки. Возможность работы с GPS приёмником.

Модератор: Tolik

Custom (oziexplorer) maps display

Сообщение neolite » 03 сен 2009, 17:38


is there any way to display a custom (for example a map ?

It would be a really nice future for comparing the custom map with various sat and map images.
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Re: Custom (oziexplorer) maps display

Сообщение Parasite » 04 сен 2009, 22:04

neolite писал(а):is there any way to display a custom (for example a map ?
It would be a really nice future for comparing the custom map with various sat and map images.

No, here is not (and will be not, as far as I know. At least not in the nearest future).
SAS.Planet is NOT a single-file viewer, but a scriptable downloader\viewer of mosaic images (tilesets). Here is nothing to do with a single .jpg map - please consider using OZI instead.

The only difference between me and a mad man is that I am not mad. /Salvador Dali/
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