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custom zmp - what if zoom of imagery is half way between 2?

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 апр 2020, 01:34
I'm trying to create a custom zmp
and I'm stuck because zoom of my imagery seems halfway through two sasplanet zoom levels

any way that I can create a properly georeferenced zmp for this? (I can only manage to fake a view with wrong zoom and wrong georeferencing)

thanks a lot for any help

this is my imagery tile
https://www.gis-klagenfurt.at/GMSC/Publ ... /8/161/136

and this is the bing tile for ZOOM 20
http://ecn.t0.tiles.virtualearth.net/ti ... 0.jpeg?g=0

and the bing tile for ZOOM19
http://ecn.t0.tiles.virtualearth.net/ti ... 0.jpeg?g=0

and scripts I'm using:


ResultURL:=GetURLBase+'/'+IntToStr(GetZ-12)+'/'+IntToStr(GetY - 185055)+'/'+IntToStr(GetX - 282864);

Re: custom zmp - what if zoom of imagery is half way between 2?

СообщениеДобавлено: 14 апр 2020, 23:43
what you can do is to chose how to store the tiles taking into account that SASplaneta starts counting zooms from 1 and not from 0, but it seems that the map you want is flawed, all I get are white tiles

Re: custom zmp - what if zoom of imagery is half way between 2?

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2021, 12:36
hi i have same problem about zoom level in sasplanet
why it's different between mapbox website zom 19 and sasplanet zom 19?
sasplanet zoom 19 Изображение
mapbox zomm 19 Изображение